
Welcome to my website!

I really appreciate each and every single individual that visits this page and hope everyone that does so has a truly blessed and great day! Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you may decide to visit again! 

In general, I am an experienced writer who has written for multiple Cleveland websites and as such love Cleveland (and Ohio State) sports! I will be mainly posting and writing about localized Cleveland and Ohio sports, but will definitely branch out as I see fit!

I’m all about everyone having a right to their own opinion, so despite much of what gets posted being statistically backed up, I will equally provide my opinion on such- so please keep that in mind when reading!

My Twitter handle is @MazeInCLE 

Feel free to follow me and interact with me on there! I definitely reply and follow all those that interact with me!

I’m looking forward to getting back into sharing my takes, thoughts, and content overall on here!

-Tyler M

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